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The Cut-Off date for our April Meeting is

15 March 2020

Complaints about the Conduct of Class 4 Gambling



Grant Applications

Should you have a complaint about a Grant Application made to One Foundation, it should be made in writing and addressed to:

The Manager
One Foundation
PO Box 1629

The Trust will acknowledge receipt of your complaint by mail. Your complaint will be investigated by the Trust Office Holders within 14 days of receipt. The Trust will then write to you within 21 days of receipt, informing you of its decision.


Department of Internal Affairs

Anyone can make a complaint to the Secretary of Internal Affairs about how gaming machines are run in Gaming Venues. The Secretary must investigate this complaint. If the complainant is unhappy about the way the Secretary handled the complaint, the complainant can complain to the Gambling Commission. The Gambling Commission will consider this matter, and will report to the Minister of Internal Affairs if necessary.  

Postal Address:  

Secretary of the Department of Internal Affairs
PO Box 10-095
Wellington 6143
Or send your Complaint by email to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

As gaming machines generate the funding distributed by One Foundation, we are obligated to be actively involved in preventing and minimising the effects of Problem Gambling. We do this in partnership with our venues, through in-house training for operators and their staff.

Lest we forget

icon poppy

When you go home tell them of us and say for your tomorrow we gave our today.

Kia Ora Bonjour Bula Ciao Chao ban Dobrý den! G'Day Goeie Dag Guten Tag Hallo Hola Howzit Konnichiwa iHola! Molo Marhaban Merhaba Namasté Ni Hao Ola Om Swastiastu Salaam Sawubona Susaday Sveiki Talofa Yassou zdrAstvuy

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